How Moving to Paris Can Be the Best Thing You Ever Did

Have you always dreamed of moving to Paris, to the city of love, lost and found! The food, the champagne, the fashion and did we mention the marvelous French language. That alone is worth moving for. It doesn’t need to be a dream, however; people move to Paris every day quite successfully. Moving to another country can both be exciting and terrifying. But it’s also the opportunity of a lifetime if you get to do it. Ernest Hemingway lived in Paris for a time before he became famous and it was where he found inspiration and grew into the author we all know and love.

Imagine being surrounded by all sorts of inspirations. Style and glamor; cafes and boutiques, museums like none you have ever seen before. Paris can be an expensive city to live in, however, so it takes determination and budgeting to get off on the right track.

What You Need to Know About Paris

Moving to Paris can be an expensive venture so money could be tight right off the bat. But there are many tips to get you started on your new life and be on the right track to success.  

Look for Cheap or Free Ventures

Paris may be an expensive city to live in, but there are many things around the city that are either free to do or very cheap. The farmer’s market is free, and it’s a great way to spend the day and get to know the locals. Most of the museums also offer free museums days so watch out for those. The beauty of Paris alone is enough to keep you busy, and it’s all free.

Make New Friends Right Away

Moving to a new country and be a hard adjustment even if you are used to moving around. It’s best to start making new friends as soon as possible as you will need that support system. Learn to love the city around you and you will naturally start meeting and talking to people.

Contact an Agency to Find an Apartment

You might think that this is an easy enough task to do on your own but finding an apartment in Paris can be tricky if you’re not familiar with the area. The last thing you want to do is make the move only to find out that you are living in a hovel. Not to mention the task could prove to be quite difficult if you don’t speak French. Contact an agency and have them do the dirty work and find you a great place to live. It can be pricey for an agency, and there is a lot of paperwork, but it would be worth the hassle. The great thing is, most places in Paris come furnished, so finding furnishings is not an issue.

Get Immersed into the French Language as Soon as Possible

Speaking French is an absolute must if you plan on living in Paris. Try to imagine how hard it is to open a bank account to set up phone service if you don’t speak the language. You don’t have to be completely fluent to move there, but it’s a good idea to get your feet wet in the language before making the move.


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