the language — original texts, or old translations — may
become difficult for modern readers to understand. Such
a text may be translated

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Translation Services

Professional Chinese Translation Service
Break in to the Chinese market – it’s huge!
Here’s an interesting thought, if you include an outsourced professional Chinese translation service in your overall marketing plan, you could find yourself swamped with new business!
While it may seem that everything we buy these days has been manufactured in China, there is a huge untapped market of Chinese online customers who are eager to buy Western products!
Say ‘Yes’ to 332 Million Potential Chinese Customers
According to the most recent McKinsey Global Institute report on the Chinese market, 52.5 % of Chinese mainland internet users now shop online – about 332 million in total! To target these numbers request a quote now.
Delegating your translation work to our professional Chinese translation service allows you to exploit a fast-growing market of 332 million potential customers! And that doesn’t include all of the other Chinese speakers around the world. We have a large resource of university educated native Chinese translation experts, who are all highly qualified in at least one other language. Therefore, despite the many different types, styles and dialects used by Chinese-speakers throughout the world, we will always have the right person for your professional Chinese translation service.
How it Works

Select source language

Select target language

Upload documents

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We provide a wide range of services

English to Chinese Translation Service
People may tell you there are many different types of Chinese – and that is absolutely correct. However, it is fast and easy for our native Chinese speakers to advise you on the best version of Chinese for your target location/customer base, allowing you to get ahead of your competitors by grabbing this exciting new business potential!
For your information, here are the basic differences between Simplified Chinese and Standard/Traditional Chinese:
- For mainland China and Singapore readers, translate into Simplified Chinese text, ‘Mandarin style’
- For Hong Kong readers, translate into Traditional Chinese text, ‘Cantonese style’
- For Taiwanese readers, translate into Traditional Chinese text, ‘Mandarin style’
But does this diversity matter to you? No – of course not!
All you have to do is tell us which area of the Chinese speaking world you want to target and we will supply an expert in the ‘right’ type of Chinese for that location! What could be simpler than that?
Chinese to English Translation Service
Our Chinese to English translation service allows any business to take advantage of China’s shift from an investment-oriented society to one that is increasingly consumption-driven – especially in the under-developed areas of the country!
The future potential is even more impressive and the respected McKinley Institute estimates that by 2020, China’s market will be as extensive as the markets of the U.S., Japan, Britain, Germany and France combined!

Chinese Translation Pairs available
We trust that you know your business, ‘inside-out’, and you can be sure that we know ours equally well. Our professional Chinese translation service is very popular – allowing us to offer you many other Chinese translation pairs – including all of the European languages.
To reach a 90% near-saturation level of the online population, you need to use one or more of the Top 15 Other Chinese translation pairs which are:
English – German – French – Spanish – Arabic – Italian – Korean – Javanese – Russian – Portuguese – Danish – Swedish – Dutch – Norwegian – Hindi
Pricing for professional Chinese Translation Service
Our policy is to keep our prices competitive, whilst reflecting the high quality required by our discerning clients. Translations between very different cultures, such as the Chinese to English translation service and vice-versa, must be done by qualified native speakers.
It is the only way to smooth out cultural differences and produce texts that accurately reflect the tone and nuance of the original text. Our native translators are experienced and conscientious professionals who are proud of producing the best possible translation of any text.
Try our 24/7 professional Chinese Translation Service now!
High quality and great service have already won us a highly respected place within the global translation industry, so if you’re ready to hook up with 632 million Chinese internet users – get a Free (No Obligation) Quote right now!
Simply fill in the short Free Quote Form and we’ll get back to you almost immediately with a very economical price for your professional Chinese Translation Service. Expand & Prosper!